Sarah Mitchell

Construction projects are some of the most profitable projects in the world. It’s estimated that the cost of building a home is around $300,000. Construction firms get about 5% to 15% of the overall cost. The more extensive and expensive the project, the more they can get.

However, it’s not cheap to start a project either. If you’re new to the industry, you must factor in the cost of materials and construction equipment. All of which can be very expensive. For example, the average price of heavy-duty construction equipment like an extractor is around $40,000!

No one ever said that owning construction equipment was cheap. On the contrary, it can be downright expensive especially if you’re not careful. Here are five ways to keep your construction equipment safe and protected.

Protect Them From Spills

Spills are the most overlooked hazard when it comes to construction equipment. Just a few drops of oil, gasoline, or paint can severely damage your equipment’s paint job and finish. It can corrode certain parts of the equipment, and it can also make it rust faster. Not to mention the potential accidents that may occur when your employees use it.

To avoid this, always wipe up any spills immediately. Use a cloth or paper towel to soak up the spill, then dispose of it properly. You should also keep a supply of absorbent pads on hand to deal with any spills.

Another way to protect your equipment from spills is to use drip pans. Drip pans are placed under machines that are likely to leak fluids. They catch any drips or leaks before they have a chance to reach the floor or surface below. It helps to prevent slips and falls, as well as protect your equipment from damage.

If it’s paint you’re worried about, then you’ll need some overspray protection. Arobust paint overspray protectoran drastically reduce spillage from getting to your equipment. Paint can corrode equipment and lead to rust, so keep your equipment well-covered during long paint jobs.

An excavator working on new land

Keep Them Covered

One of the best ways to protect your equipment is to keep it covered when it’s not in use. Keeping your equipment covered helps keep dust, dirt, and debris off your equipment. It also protects it from the elements like the sun and rain. There are a variety of covers available for different types of equipment. You can find them made from canvas, tarp, or even PVC.

Another way to keep your equipment covered is to store it in a shed or garage when it’s not in use. It will help keep it out of the weather and away from prying eyes. Of course, if you don’t have a shed or garage, you can always rent one.

Invest In A Tracking Device

Investing in a tracking device is one of the best ways to protect your equipment. This can help you to keep track of your equipment at all times. If it’s stolen, you’ll be able to track it down and get it back. There are a variety of tracking devices available on the market. You can find them for a variety of budgets and needs.

You should also consider engraving your equipment with your company’s name or logo. It will help deter thieves from stealing your equipment. It will also help you identify your equipment if it’s ever lost or stolen.

Lock Them Up

When you’re not using your equipment, lock it up. This will help to prevent theft and vandalism. There are a variety of ways to lock up your equipment. For example, you can use a chain, padlock, heavy-duty lock, or even a GPS tracker.

You should also consider security cameras to help deter thieves. Cameras can be placed around your property to monitor your equipment. It will help you to catch thieves in the act and get your equipment back.

Get Insurance

One of the best ways to protect your equipment is to get insurance. It will help cover the cost of repairs or replacement if your equipment is damaged or stolen.

Property insurance is the best option for this, as it covers the equipment and the building it’s stored in. It can also help cover the cost of repairs if your equipment is damaged in a fire or flood.

You should also consider getting liability insurance. It will help cover the cost of any damages your equipment may cause. In addition, if your equipment is ever involved in an accident, this insurance will help cover the cost of repairs or replacement.

Construction equipment is expensive. However, the tips above can ensure that you can protect your equipment from all sorts of problems, including theft! So make sure to implement them to keep your equipment safe.

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