Sarah Mitchell

The United States is filled with a variety of home designs. There are Victorian homes that are characterized by their ornate details. Ranch homes are also famous for their simple and single-story designs. But if you want something a little different and more rustic, you should consider building a cape cod home.

What are Cape Cod Homes?

Cape Cod homes are a type of home that originated in New England in the 1600s, and these homes are characterized by steep roofs, large chimneys, and shingled exteriors. However, Cape Cod homes are also known for their simple and functional designs. This is because people originally built these homes to withstand the harsh weather conditions in New England.

There are three variations of this home. There’s half, three-quarters, and a full cape cod home. The difference between these three variations is the size of the second floor. A half cape cod home doesn’t have a second floor, while a three-quarter cape cod home has a small second floor. On the other hand, a full cape cod home has a large second floor.

If you’re planning to build a cape cod home, here are five essential steps that you should follow:


You need a reasonable budget when building a home like this, but it isn’t as expensive as Victorian or Tudor homes. This is because cape cod homes are more simple and functional, without all the extra details.

You should still expect to spend around $200,000 to $300,000 when building a cape cod home. This price will depend on your home’s size and the materials you’ll use. Ensure that you also have emergency funds for this project, which is about 10% of the overall project cost. It will cover any unexpected expenses.

Hire an Architect

When your budget is ready, it’s time to look for an architect who can help you design your home. It’s a crucial step because the architect will design your home according to the weather conditions in your area. The architect will also consider your budget and preferences when designing the house.

The architect will help determine the kind of cape cod home you would like. Remember to always choose simplicity over ornateness to stay true to the design.

well designed kitchen

Choose the Right Materials

After choosing your home’s design, it’s time to pick suitable materials. As mentioned earlier, people initially built cape cod homes to withstand harsh weather conditions. This is why you need to choose high-quality and durable materials.

Some of the most common materials used for this type of home are cedar shingles, clapboard siding, and natural stone. You should also use copper or galvanized steel for your gutters and downspouts. These materials will help protect your home from the elements. Additionally, you should consider using energy-efficient materials to help you save on utility bills.

Assemble a Team of Contractors

Once you’ve gathered all the needed materials, it’s time to look for contractors who can help you build your home. First, you must find contractors who have experience in building cape cod homes. This way, you’re assured that they know what they’re doing and can deliver quality work.

You should also get bids from different contractors to compare their prices. But don’t just focus on the price. You should also consider the quality of their work and their reputation.

You also need to get a building permit for this kind of project. The requirements for these permits will differ from one state to another. But in general, you’ll need a building permit, a zoning permit, and a construction permit.

You can apply for these permits at your local city or county office. Once you have all the permits, you’re ready to start building your cape cod home.

Build a Garden

A cape cod home puts a lot of emphasis on the surrounding garden. It’s fundamental for its design. In addition, the garden can help protect your home from harsh weather conditions.

You should plant trees and shrubs around your home. You can also use robust boulders to create a natural barrier against the wind. It can also protect your home from external threats. These plants will also help keep your home cool during summer and warm during winter.

Additionally, your garden should have a wooden fence to bring in that rustic look. A wooden fence can also provide privacy and security for your home.

Building a cape cod home can be a challenging but rewarding project. Remember to follow these essential steps to ensure that your home is built correctly and according to code. These tips make you one step closer to owning your dream home.

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