Sarah Mitchell

If you have ever done auto body repair work or if you have ever worked in a collision repair shop, there are some tools you have likely realized are quite handy to have around. These are also the kind of tools, as the attached video highlights, that are common for any local auto collision repair shop to have and use. In addition to making the job easier and better, as the aforementioned video points out, these tools will also save time, effort, and help deliver better results.

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Here is a look at a few essential tools every body shop and body repair worker should have in their toolbox.

Sanders: Having a sander you can rely on in a body shop is like having a hammer for a carpenter, you simply can’t do your job without one.
Pick Tools: Any real body work will involve at least some disassembly. That also means a pick tool will save you time, damaged parts, and likely damaged fingers and knuckles.
Powered Ratchet Set: This tool is arguably as important as any other in your toolbox. You want to make sure it is mobile and durable.

These tools are not only essential, but they will make you and your repaired vehicle look great too.

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